Two men fatally hit by car walking to Rhythm and Vines named

  • 06/01/2023
Jardon Te Hau was one of two men who died after being hit by a car on New Year's Eve.
Jardon Te Hau was one of two men who died after being hit by a car on New Year's Eve. Photo credit: Givealittle.

The two men who were fatally hit by a car on New Year's Eve have been named. 

 Waylon Uatuku, 18, and Jardon Thomas Te Hau, 31, both of Gisborne, were walking to the music festival Rythm and Vines when they were hit. 

Te Hau died at the scene while Uatuku died in hospital. 

A Givealittle page for Te Hau says he had just turned 31 and "had his whole life ahead of him. Unfortunately, his young family have lost their dad and partner and his family are left dealing with this unexpected and massive loss."

Police extended their condolences to the families of the men, who are believed to be brothers-in-law and said inquiries into the crash are ongoing.