Weather: New figures show Auckland missing out on sun this summer

Aucklanders have been left feeling quite frankly ripped off by the summer.

New figures from NIWA show the City of Sails has had just over two hours of sunshine per day so far this year. But Tāmaki Makaurau isn't alone. 

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone - and the sun has been in hiding for far too long.

"Atrocious. Have we had a summer?" one person said.

"I think we had about five nice days over the Christmas period and then it’s just turned to rubbish," another added.

It feels like the sun is taking a nap and it's left those in the city of sails feeling ripped off. Their feelings are validated with sunshine hours from NIWA.

In Auckland for the first 12 days of January there's only been 26 hours of bright sunshine. The average over the same period is 93 hours.

"It's pretty unusual to have this little sunshine in Auckland. Certainly January is one of the sunnier months of average and we've only had about 2.2 hours of sunshine per day," said NIWA meteorologist Ben Noll.

It's not only been gloomy in Auckland though.

Places like Northland, Coromandel Peninsula, Gisborne, these places have only seen about one-three hours of sunshine a day.

So Aucklanders you aren't the worst and alone in your misery.

"Roll on summer," one person said.

With many North Islanders left hoping they will be walking on sunshine sometime soon.