10yo Palmerston North girl Pippa Guerin starstruck after singing with Ed Sheeran at Wellington concert

A 10-year-old girl from Palmerston North is starstruck after being pulled up on stage to sing with Ed Sheeran at his Wellington concert on Thursday night.

The British hitmaker forgot the lyrics to his smash hit song 'Galway Girl' and there was a girl in the audience who was happy to help him out. 

It's a moment an Ed Sheeran fan could only dream of.

A once-in-a-lifetime chance not only to sing with a favourite musician but to do it in front of 48,000 people.

But when the opportunity came little Pippa Guerin was quick to put her hand up.

"Well when I first got told I was going on stage it was a bit of a surprise and then when I was under the stage I got a bit of stage fright but once I got on the stage and started singing I shaked it off," Guerin told Newshub

The 10-year-old was in the crowd with her family when she was unexpectedly pulled on stage. 

Her parents were watching from the crowd and were stunned as their daughter was ushered to the stage.

"It's all pretty surreal, baby girl up on stage, it was a special moment," Guerin's dad said.

And she owned it, belting out 'Galway Girl' alongside the man who wrote it. 

"Probably more overwhelming was afterwards the audience wanting photos and you know saying how well she had done," her dad said.

On Friday morning, Pippa was the talk of her school.

When Newshub asked 'how did the school respond?' Guerin said, "they were very surprised and happy for me."

As for what's next for the little superstar, she is confident she can make it in the music industry.

"Well I really like singing and when I'm like older I want to be a singer and I thought it could be like a little rehearsal," Guerin said.

A little rehearsal in front of 48,000 people isn't too bad for someone starting out.