Canterbury man now has new flatmate after owl flies through cat door and makes themself at home

A Canterbury man now has a flappy flatmate after an owl flew through a cat door in his house nearly a week ago and hasn't left.

"About five days ago, [heard a] bit of a bang and crash and came downstairs to see an owl sitting on a chandelier," Canterbury man Rory Foley told The Project.

Foley, who lives in Pleasant Point, south Canterbury, said he opened all the windows to let the owl out at night but when he went downstairs the next morning it was sitting on the mantle piece.

He told The Project the owl has been coming and going from his house as it pleases.

"A couple of days ago, he just came into the lounge jumped up onto the couch and started watching TV with me," Foley said.

Foley told The Project he also has a cat who enjoys the new flatmate's company.

"The other day on the couch they sat side by side and didn't seem to bother each other."

Watch the full story above.