Earthquake Commission dealing with 1000 landslide claims after Auckland's flooding causes landslips

The Earthquake Commission is already dealing with more than 1000 landslide claims across flood-ravaged Auckland and surrounds.

But as the region stares down the barrel of another major weather event some residents are already in insurance limbo.

Titirangi resident Karl Adlam had his driveway swallowed by the earth, and not having access to his art deco home is now a slight issue.

"The road, and the driveway, disappeared into the sea," Adlam told Newshub.

Paturoa Rd is a windy, cliffside passageway ripped apart by one storm and now it is bracing for another.

"Well it's a degree of disbelief, I always thought the retaining wall looked substantial. I never imagined it would slip again. So yeah, the impact of it's really started to sink in," he said.

Data supplied to Newshub reveals the Earthquake Commission is already dealing with 1680 claims. By the middle of this week, 1061 alone were for landslip damage.

"It's fair to say, we're lucky as New Zealanders to have that cover because other places in the world don't have compensation for damage to land," Earthquake Commission CEO Tina Mitchell said.

But there's a catch - EQC cover is generally for residential land. If any part of the damage stretches onto neighbouring land cover may apply, but it's case-by-case.

Much of the destruction compromising homes and driveways here is to council-owned land, not residential, and that has got some scratching their heads.

"I guess I'm insured for the replacement of the actual driveway itself but I guess the insurer's going to look at it and say 'well what are we building it on'," Adlam said.

The state of these suburbs leads to questions for Auckland Council.

"We're in new territory, and there's a lot going on in the country at the moment," said Auckland Council building consents manager Ian McCormick.

But in Titirangi, the attitude's clear.

"I'm not aware of anyone who's deciding, I've had enough of Titirangi and I want to leave, it's an edge-of-disaster place, and most people are hunkering down and weathering it," Adlam said.

A scarred suburb determined to recover.