In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery


The massive damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle around Hawke's Bay and Gisborne is becoming increasingly clear, days after the storm moved on.

RNZ's reporters are out in the field covering the clean-up and recovery efforts, and have filed images from some of the worst-affected regions.

A cow trapped in silt was spotted and dug out by crew from the HMNZS Te Mana, near the Tutaekuri River in Napier
A cow trapped in silt was spotted and dug out by crew from the HMNZS Te Mana, near the Tutaekuri River in Napier Photo credit: Supplied/ Defence Force

Flood damage on Joll Road in Havelock North

Piles of belongings and furnishings that were contaminated by floodwaters were piled outside into the street in Joll Road.
Piles of belongings and furnishings that were contaminated by floodwaters were piled outside into the street in Joll Road. Photo credit: RNZ
Navy crew were out helping with the clean up.
Navy crew were out helping with the clean up. Photo credit: RNZ
Houses on Joll Road in Havelock North have been inundated with contaminated mud.
Houses on Joll Road in Havelock North have been inundated with contaminated mud. Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
Food and drink were being handed out to help keep the workers hydrated and fed as they shovelled and moved contaminated mud out.
Food and drink were being handed out to help keep the workers hydrated and fed as they shovelled and moved contaminated mud out. Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
Elsewhere in Havelock North - a sign in the window of a fish shop, as staff recover from the cyclone.
Elsewhere in Havelock North - a sign in the window of a fish shop, as staff recover from the cyclone. Photo credit: RNZ

Damage in Tīnui, near the east coast of Wairarapa

Hundreds turned out, some by chopper, for Sunday's post-Cyclone Gabrielle community meeting in Tīnui, on the east coast of Wairarapa.
Hundreds turned out, some by chopper, for Sunday's post-Cyclone Gabrielle community meeting in Tīnui, on the east coast of Wairarapa. Photo credit: RNZ
Homemade baking provided to whānau at a community meeting in Tīnui.
Homemade baking provided to whānau at a community meeting in Tīnui. Photo credit: RNZ
Rubbish outside Tīnui school after firefighters hosed silt from classes and the field.
Rubbish outside Tīnui school after firefighters hosed silt from classes and the field. Photo credit: RNZ
Silt covered paddocks outside Tīnui.
Silt covered paddocks outside Tīnui. Photo credit: RNZ
Floodwaters left grass stuck in the Tīnui substation fence power is now back on.
Floodwaters left grass stuck in the Tīnui substation fence power is now back on. Photo credit: RNZ
An abandoned mud covered car outside Tīnui shows how high the Whareama River got.
An abandoned mud covered car outside Tīnui shows how high the Whareama River got. Photo credit: RNZ
Floodwaters reached almost to the bartop, and this coffee machine, in Tīnui pub.
Floodwaters reached almost to the bartop, and this coffee machine, in Tīnui pub. Photo credit: RNZ
Tīnui pub.
Tīnui pub. Photo credit: RNZ
Tīnui pub.
Tīnui pub. Photo credit: RNZ

Aerial views of damage in Hawke's Bay

Masses of slips that have torn their way across hill country in the Hawke's Bay, post Cyclone Gabrielle.
Masses of slips that have torn their way across hill country in the Hawke's Bay, post Cyclone Gabrielle. Photo credit: RNZ
The aftermath of massive flooding that swept through the Esk Valley during Cyclone Gabrielle. The river's normal path can be seen running down the right of the valley.
The aftermath of massive flooding that swept through the Esk Valley during Cyclone Gabrielle. The river's normal path can be seen running down the right of the valley. Photo credit: RNZ

Haumoana, Hawke's Bay

Volunteers sorting supplies in Haumoana in the Hawke's Bay.
Volunteers sorting supplies in Haumoana in the Hawke's Bay. Photo credit: Supplied
With many roads out of action and supply lines to some places, many in the Hawke's Bay and Tairāwhiti communities were still reliant on supplies rounded up after the cyclone.
With many roads out of action and supply lines to some places, many in the Hawke's Bay and Tairāwhiti communities were still reliant on supplies rounded up after the cyclone. Photo credit: Supplied
Supplies being sorted at Haumoana, Hawke's Bay, post Cyclone Gabrielle.
Supplies being sorted at Haumoana, Hawke's Bay, post Cyclone Gabrielle. Photo credit: Supplied

Damage on Waihau Road in Dartmoor near Napier

Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier.
Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier.
Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier.
Damage on Waihau Road, where it is acting as a dam against a small lake in Dartmoor near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ

National leader Christopher Luxon visits Gisborne, while Finance Minister Grant Robertson sees the damage at the Redclyff substation

In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
National Party leader Christopher Luxon speaking to media on Sunday morning during a visit to Gisborne.
National Party leader Christopher Luxon speaking to media on Sunday morning during a visit to Gisborne. Photo credit: RNZ
Apples and dried mud at Redclyffe substation after Cyclone Gabrielle.
Apples and dried mud at Redclyffe substation after Cyclone Gabrielle. Photo credit: RNZ
Finance Minister Grant Robertson visits Redclyffe substation in Napier.
Finance Minister Grant Robertson visits Redclyffe substation in Napier. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage at the Redclyffe substation.
Damage at the Redclyffe substation. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage at the Redclyffe substation.
Damage at the Redclyffe substation. Photo credit: RNZ

Damage at an apple packing plant near Napier

Damage at an apple pack house near Napier.
Damage at an apple pack house near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage at an apple pack house near Napier.
Damage at an apple pack house near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ
Damage at an apple pack house near Napier.
Damage at an apple pack house near Napier. Photo credit: RNZ

The clean-up at Plant Hawke's Bay

In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ
In pictures: Hawke's Bay, Gisborne in clean-up mode from Cyclone Gabrielle as residents take to streets to start recovery
Photo credit: RNZ