Piha homeowner who escaped monster landslide says it was like Jurassic Park

An Auckland homeowner living below a monster slip says it was like being caught in a Jurassic Park movie.

Huge boulders and branches rained down on the Piha properties, leaving parts of Marine Parade North looking like a war zone.

Peter McNally is one lucky bloke. His red-stickered, North Piha home sits at the foot of a 100m landslide.

"You could hear it, it sounded like Jurassic Park dinosaurs running through the bush," he told Newshub.

"There were rocks snapping trees and flying through the air and it was the sound, and the rumble, yeah it was just crazy mad."

It all started mid-evening on Monday when McNally, hearing rockfall, started moving his cars.

"A massive rock came out of the sky and landed right in the middle of the driveway and exploded," he said.

Then it was all on. He hightailed inside to get his wife and their dog.

"I got in this, hauled ass backwards while it was coming down - and luckily enough I steered it straight out the gate," he said.

A couple of doors down Matt Harley, who's on the local water committee, paints a picture of what residents are facing.

"We supply 80 homes in this area, as well as the surf club and the local toilet block. Our water supply is completely destroyed."

A community scarred, but resolute - and with a shout-out to those working round the clock to clean up.

"They responded straight away, which was amazing, they got crews out here," Harley said.

"This whole area was under flood, huge flood up at Garden Rd, landslides and contractors on site ready to help, ready to do whatever it took to clean up."

One side of the city struggling while life's returning to normal for others.