Police investigating whether meth-laced Honey Bear House Beer caused man's death in Auckland

A police investigation is underway into whether a death at Auckland City Hospital last week is connected to beer laced with methamphetamine. 

An urgent warning was issued at the weekend after the possibly contaminated beer was brought into New Zealand. 

Det Insp Glenn Baldwin, of Auckland City, said the man died last week and they were investigating on behalf of the coroner. 

Baldwin emphasised the investigation is still in its early stages, with further pathology results still pending.

The beverage, called "Honey Bear House Beer", was not available to be purchased but was believed to have been passed around associates.

"Whilst police are continuing to investigate this tragic death, we have established he is not involved in any way with the importation or distribution of beer cans containing methamphetamine," Baldwin said.

"We are conscious that at the very heart of this matter is a man's family who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

"As such police strongly advise against any speculation around the circumstances or the victim in this case."

Further updates would be provided when they were able to do so, Baldwin said.