Pike River Mine: Families of men who perished 'screaming out for justice' after more human remains found

Families of the 29 men who perished in the Pike River Mine disaster say justice is finally being served.

Police have found more human remains just as they finish their evidence-gathering at the site and turn their focus to a possible prosecution.

The bodies of 29 men remain entombed at Pike River, but their exact whereabouts becoming clearer.

"The remains of two, maybe three miners [have been] located in a break-out communal area located in the mine," said Detective Superintendent Darryl Sweeney.

"Unfortunately on this occasion, we can't say really who the men might be."

But Det Supt Sweeney said the images do suggest the men may have perished immediately.

"I've got to be particularly careful here and we can't get in with pathologists but that would indicate it's been an instantaneous event."

One of two missing drift runners was also found during the borehole drilling program, which has just wrapped up, as police turn their attention to a possible prosecution.

"We'll be applying the facts and evidence and sending it to the Solicitor-General's prosecution guidelines, engage a Crown solicitor and make a full assessment as we would in any case," Det Supt Sweeney said.

It's bittersweet for Anna Osborne who lost her husband, Milton.

"I haven't got my husband home and that was my main focus. It's still really raw and it still really hurts."

Lives that were lost are the inspiration for families to continue their cause.

"Justice is what the families are screaming out for. Men dead and there's been no accountability, no justice to date," Osborne said.

The remains of up to 12 of the 29 miners have been located and left in the mine, where Bernie Monk's 23-year-old son Michael died.

"I say to them now we've found over half of the bodies mummified, retrievable, let's go and get 'em," he told Newshub.

Families fought a permanent sealing of the mine back in 2016, but there are no current plans to go back in.

All specialist equipment has now been removed from the West Coast and the mine has been blessed.

The Police investigation will now work through witness statements and re-interview some of those who were involved.

"Even though we haven't been promised a prosecution, in my heart of hearts I still believe there will be one," Osborne said.

Police aim to make a decision by the end of the year.