Lockdowns lifted for west Auckland schools after gun threat

Lockdowns have been lifted at a handful of west Auckland schools after a threat was made towards one facility. 

Police are now investigating a threatening phone call made to Rutherford College in Te Atatū Peninsula saying an armed person would go to the school .

"A precautionary lockdown at the high school and nearby education facilities has now been lifted," a spokesperson said. 

"These matters are taken seriously, and we understand this will have been alarming for parents and the community."

Police have established there are "no immediate risks" but will be maintaining a presence at the school this afternoon for reassurance purposes.

"The community can be assured that enquiries will be ongoing into the source of this phone call," the spokesperson said.

Rutherford College "received an anonymous phone call of a highly threatening nature that informed us that a armed individual would be on school grounds imminently", a post on its Facebook page said.

"Rutherford placed the school into immediate lockdown while simultaneously informing New Zealand Police of the threat. Their subsequent response and ongoing support has been reassuring in securing the school grounds.

"Our number one priority is to keep our students and staff safe and as such we will be remaining in lockdown until police advise us otherwise."

Go Bananas childcare Te Atatū, Rutherford and Matipo Primary schools and Te Atatū Intermediate were also in lockdown.

A reporter saw multiple police vehicles and armed officers with rifles near the pony club on Te Atatū Rd. Concerned parents were sitting in their cars outside the schools, waiting to hear any news.

One parent told Newshub his son was locked inside a classroom at Rutherford College. His son told him students were lying on the floor.

Rutherford College.
Rutherford College. Photo credit: Newshub

Another parent, posting on the Te Atatū Peninsula communituy Facebook group, said she'd had text message contact from her son.

"They are all OK huddled on the floor away from windows," she said.

"Very scary for them. I hope this is sorted soon."

  • Do you know more? Email news@newshub.co.nz 

A message to parents from Go Bananas, seen by Newshub, said the Ministry of Education had advised them of "unsafe activity happening in the community".

Matipo Primary posted on Facebook earlier on Thursday that the gates and entrances to the school are secured and locked.

"All tamariki are safe and secure in their classrooms with your child's classroom teacher," principal Matua Jonnie Black said.

"Please refrain from calling the school office to keep the lines of communication open with the police and Ministry of Education."

A message on Rutherford Primary School's website said the school has been advised by the Ministry of Education to go into lockdown.

Te Atatū Intermediate's website said the lockdown was due to "an event happening within the community".