NZ weather: Early Christmas Day predictions made as wild weather set for South Island

With Christmas edging ever closer, experts are starting to make their predictions for what the weather will be like on Christmas Day.  

Many Kiwis will be hoping for some fine, dry and hot summer weather this Christmas after last summer brought devastating floods in Auckland, a lot of rain for many other places and two cyclones.  

Christmas Day is now only 15 days away and NIWA has put out an early prediction of what they think the weather could be like over the Christmas period.  

"Looking for clues on how the Christmas period may shape up? Drier than normal conditions are likely for most of NZ for the 2nd half of December, except perhaps the western South Island," NIWA said.   

"While this doesn't promise a dry holiday, it does load the dice for it to occur."  

On top of the early predictions that the weather for the Christmas period may be fine, Kiwis could get the added bonus of warm ocean temperatures, which could see Kiwis flocking to beaches around the country.  

NIWA said water temperatures this weekend are close to 20 degrees off the upper North Island, and near or below 15C for waters off the lower South Island.  

But while the very early indications are that the Christmas period may bring fine weather, Sunday is expected to bring a bit of wild weather, with a burst of heavy rain and severe northwest gales for southern and central New Zealand.  

MetService said an "active front" moves northwards across central New Zealand on Sunday morning and early afternoon, bringing a burst of heavy rain and severe northwest gales to parts of the upper South Island and lower North Island. 

An Orange heavy rain warning have been issued for this area:  

  • The Tararua Range  

The Tararua Range is expected to see up to 90mm of rain expected at peak rates of 15mm/h.   

"Heavy rain may cause streams and rivers to rise rapidly. Surface flooding and slips are also possible and driving conditions may be hazardous," MetService warned for the areas under an orange heavy rain warning.  

It's not just the rain that is going to lash the South Island, MetService has also issued an orange strong wind warning for these areas:  

  • Wellington and Wairarapa south of Tararua District  

All the areas under an orange strong wind warning are expected to see wind gusts of between 120km/h in exposed places.   

"Strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles," MetService warned for the areas under an orange strong wind warning.   

A heavy rain watch is also in place for Buller and the ranges of Westland north of Otira.   

Heavy Rain Warning - Orange  

Impact: Heavy rain may cause streams and rivers to rise rapidly. Surface flooding and slips are also possible and driving conditions may be hazardous.  

Area: The Tararua Range  

Period: 7hrs from 8am - 3pm Sun, 10 Dec  

Forecast: Expect 60 to 90 mm of rain. Peak intensities of 10 to 15 mm/h.  

Strong Wind Warning - Orange  

Impact: Strong wind gusts could damage trees, powerlines and unsecured structures. Driving may be hazardous, especially for high-sided vehicles and motorcycles.  

Area: Wellington and Wairarapa south of Tararua District  

Period: 3hrs from 8am - 11am Sun, 10 Dec  

Forecast: Severe gale northwesterlies gusting 120 km/h in exposed places.  

Heavy Rain Watch  

Area: Buller and the ranges of Westland north of Otira  

Period: 2hrs from 8am - 10am Sun, 10 Dec  

Forecast: Heavy rain is expected to ease from the south this morning.