Several train services across Auckland cancelled for hours due to 'heat'

Several train services across Auckland cancelled for hours due to 'heat'
Photo credit: Newshub

Auckland public transport commuters are facing a major headache on Monday with several trains cancelled due to "heat".

Some train services on the Eastern, Western, and Southern lines have been cancelled due to "weather (heat) conditions", Auckland Transport (AT) said.

At 2pm, the MetService website showed Auckland was 23C.

AT director of public transport services and active modes Stacey van der Putten released a statement on Monday, stating she was disappointed with the cancellations. 

"It is enormously disappointing that AT is having to cancel train services today because of speed restrictions put in place by KiwiRail on the Auckland rail network due to hot tracks," she said. 

"These speed restrictions would be unlikely to be needed today if the Auckland rail network was not vulnerable because of numerous known faults."

She said she's aware how "enormously frustrating" regular disruptions and cancellations are for customers.

Van der Putten admitted that "days like this" dent the public's confidence in our rail network.

"We remain committed to working constructively with KiwiRail on fixing the underlying issues wrecking the reputation and reliability of Auckland’s rail network," she said.

She said the issues affecting Auckland’s rail network today have been decades in the making.

"Aucklanders deserve better than a passenger rail network that can’t run at capacity on a mildly warm summer day."

Auckland trains have been hit with chronic delays and cancellations over the past two weeks, with Auckland Transport saying it's largely out of their control. 

One person even complained they were trapped on a motionless train for half an hour.