Group of teens, as young as 13, arrested over stealing alcohol in Auckland

  • 02/04/2024

A group of teenagers, as young as 13, had their long weekend plans foiled when police caught up with them after allegedly stealing from an Auckland liquor store.

Auckland City Central Area Prevention Manager inspector Dave Christoffersen said police were called to reports of a break-in at a liquor store in Wynyard Quarter at 7:50am on Easter Monday.

It's understood the teenagers stole "a number of items" and then ran away.

"The group have then been seen to be meeting with a further four youths, with the stolen goods, a short distance away," inspector Christoffersen said.

Police tracked down some of the group at Jellicoe St bus stop and the rest were found hiding nearby. 

Seven people, aged between 13 and 18, were arrested.

Six of the group were referred to Youth Aid, but it was established the 18-year-old did not have any direct involvement in the offending.

All of the stolen alcohol has been recovered and returned to the business.

Inspector Christoffersen said it was thanks to the public that police could quickly respond to the crime.

"It takes everyone working together to keep our communities safe, and I encourage everyone who sees something suspicious taking place to report it to us as soon as possible," he said.