Watch as COVID-19 Epidemic Response Committee probes ministers on decision to extend lockdown

  • 21/04/2020

The Epidemic Response Committee will hear from Finance Minister Grant Robertson, Small Business Minister Stuart Nash and Employment Minister Willie Jackson, who will be probed on the decision to extend the COVID-19 lockdown for a week. 

National leader Simon Bridges says the extended lockdown comes down to the Government not doing the "groundwork required" to have the nation ready to shift into alert level 3 this week. 

He said the ministers will face "important questions" about the economic impacts.

"It's important we hear details about the plans in place to keep our small businesses afloat, what plans there are to get people back into work if they have lost their job and what further government assistance will be available."

The Epidemic Response Committee is a group of 11 MPs, the majority of whom are in Opposition, who meet via videoconference with the purpose of holding the Government to account on its coronavirus response. 

Bridges leads the committee, and is joined by four other National MPs, three Labour MPs, one Green Party MP, one New Zealand First MP, and permanent member David Seymour, leader of the ACT Party. 

Watch the video below.