Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's home town Morrinsville reacts to her resignation

Residents of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's home town Morrinsville have reacted to her resignation and say the country "needs a change".

On Thursday, Ardern announced at the Labour Party's caucus retreat in Hawke's Bay that she would be stepping down as leader. The Labour caucus will vote for a new party leader on Sunday.

Ardern spent her high school years in Morrinsville and got her first job at a fish and chip shop there.

But despite her upbringing in the provincial town, when Newshub asked locals their thoughts on her resignation, many said they were happy she wouldn't be seeking re-election. The electorate Morrinsville is in - Waikato - has been consistently held by the National Party for decades.

"Good news for the country," one person said.

Another said: "I think we need a change in the country and I think the country needs to able be pulled together."

A third said: "She's not my cup of tea."

Reactions from Ardern's electorate, Mt Albert

People from Ardern's Mt Albert electorate who Newshub spoke to had mixed feelings about her resigning.

"About time. to be honest. Labour's been running this country pretty badly," one person said.

Another agreed it was a "wise decision" for her to resign. 

"[She's] making a good choice to step aside [and] give them [the Labour Party] time to bring some new people forward to take on the election," they said.

One person was sad to learn Ardern wouldn't be running in the 2023 election.

"She's been such a good leader to lead the country that it's really sad that we don't know who will be next coming up and if they will be as good as her," they said.

Watch people's reactions to her resignation above.