Cyclone Gabrielle: Kieran McAnulty can't say how long New Zealand will remain in state of emergency

Kieran McAnulty says it remains unclear how long New Zealand will remain in a national state of emergency after the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle.

"We'll review the status of the state of national emergency every seven days," he told Newshub Nation. "And if there's the need for that, we'll extend it for another seven days," the Emergency Management Minister added.

He said after the initial response to the disaster, the Government will look at how it continues coordinating the recovery and welfare stages of the emergency.

McAnulty promised the Government will look after those displaced in temporary accommodation until they're able to move back into their homes or find something more permanent.

"We've done that in Buller when they had their flooding," he said. "We've done it in Nelson, we've done it in Marlborough and we'll do it now."

Watch the full video for more. 

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