Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' flight to Wairoa abandoned due to weather

  • 23/02/2023
Chris Hipkins.
Chris Hipkins. Photo credit: George Heard / Pool.

Chris Hipkins' flight to Wairoa to witness the damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle lasted all of 10 minutes before that plan had to be abandoned - with the weather at fault again. 

Low cloud along the east coast meant the NH90 Hipkins was travelling had to be redirected to the Napier airport shortly after takeoff from the Hawke's Bay Showgrounds. 

The Prime Minister was afforded a brief look over Hawke's Bay - the chopper travelled up Napier's Marine Parade where sodden suburbs were in full view. 

To the east, the low cloud made it difficult to tell sea from sky while to the west, Hipkins could see a rather depressing view of Napier, pools of water still lying around houses more than a week after the cyclone hit the region. 

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' flight to Wairoa abandoned due to weather
Photo credit: George Heard / Pool.
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins' flight to Wairoa abandoned due to weather
Photo credit: George Heard / Pool.

It will surely be a disappointment for Hipkins - he has fresh gumboots all ready to go in a Countdown shopping bag.

Only Hipkins and Forestry Minister Stuart Nash were given headphones, and both were fed information during the brief flight. 

Unfortunately, Nash - who had announced the Government's inquiry into slash this afternoon - was facing the wrong way to see all the driftwood that was washed up along the beach.