Election 2023: New poll shows Labour could form next Government with Greens, Te Pāti Māori

Election 2023: New poll shows Labour could form next Government with Greens, Te Pāti Māori
Photo credit: Getty Images


Both major parties have lost support in the latest TVNZ-Kantar political poll, the new numbers putting Te Pāti Māori in the driver's seat.

The poll sees Labour losing 2 percentage points and National losing 3, with the Greens rising four points to 11 percent.

On these numbers, Labour and the Greens together would have 60 seats - and would need the support of Te Pāti Māori to govern.

A National-ACT bloc would have just 57 seats however, falling short of the magic 61 seats needed even with Te Pāti Māori's support.

The previous poll, released on 1 February, was the first after Chris Hipkins' ascension to the role of Prime Minister following the resignation of Jacinda Ardern.

It saw him take an early advantage over National's Christopher Luxon in the preferred Prime Minister stakes, along with considerably higher approval ratings and a 5 percent bump for Labour - which had previously been steadily losing support.

The latest 1News / Kantar poll (Saturday 4 March to Sunday 8 March):

  • Labour: 36 percent, down 2
  • National: 34 percent, down 3
  • ACT: 11 percent, up 1
  • Green Party: 11 percent, up 4
  • Te Pāti Māori: 3 percent, up 2
  • New Zealand First: 3 percent, up 1
  • TOP: 1 percent, steady
  • Democracy NZ: 1 percent, steady
  • New Conservative: 1 percent, steady
  • Undecided: 13 percent

Preferred PM:

  • Chris Hipkins: 27 percent, up 4
  • Christopher Luxon: 17 percent, down 5
  • David Seymour: 6 percent, steady
  • Winston Peters: 3 percent, up 1
  • Jacinda Ardern: 2 percent, down 3
  • Nicola Willis: 1 percent, up 1
  • Chloe Swarbrick: 1 percent, steady
  • Rawiri Waititi: 1 percent, up 1
  • The margin of error for the poll was 3.1 percent, at the 95 percent confidence interval.