Budget 2023: Finance Minister unveils slogan, cover-photo

  • 17/05/2023

The Finance Minister has unveiled the slogan for Budget 2023: "Support for today, building for tomorrow".

"It's about getting a balance between making sure we support people with the cost of living pressures that they are facing right now," Grant Robertson said.

"But also look to a future where we continue to build New Zealand as a nation."

The Budget cover features a photo taken by Robertson himself. It was taken from Bluff Hill in Napier looking out towards Cape Kidnappers prior to Cyclone Gabrielle hitting the region hard in February. 

Budget 2023: Finance Minister unveils slogan, cover-photo
Photo credit: Getty Images.

As is usual, Robertson wouldn't give away many details about what to expect in the Budget, which will be officially released on Thursday afternoon. 

"This is a Budget that's appropriate for a time where people are struggling, where we do need to invest to support them. But at the same time, we've got to come back from those big spending COVID budgets."

Robertson said he understood Prime Minister Chris Hipkins would continue the tradition started by former PM Jacinda Ardern of buying him a new tie for Budget day.

But does Robertson trust Hipkins' fashion sense?

"No comment."

Watch the standup above.