New footage reveals damage to vehicles after Kiri Allan crash

  • 26/07/2023

Newly shared video footage shows the damage to vehicles involved in the Kiri Allan crash.

The video, which has been shared on Twitter, shows the scene of the car crash on Evans Bay Parade in Wellington on Sunday night. 

Allan's white Hyundai Kona vehicle can be seen in the middle of the road, positioned across one of the road's lanes. Damage can be observed on the left side of the vehicle's front bumper.

The person filming the video says they own the black ute the vehicle has smashed into. There is an indent to the back right side of the vehicle. There also appears to be damage to the wheel.

The owner explains that the force of the crash shunted his ute several metres forward from where it was parked.

New footage reveals damage to vehicles after Kiri Allan crash
Photo credit: Twitter
New footage reveals damage to vehicles after Kiri Allan crash
Photo credit: Twitter.

On Monday morning, it was revealed that Allan had been involved in a car crash and taken into police custody. She was released at about 1am on Sunday morning.

Police say she has been charged with careless use of a motor vehicle and refusing to accompany a police officer, and will appear in court at a later date. Allan was also issued an infringement notice for excess breath alcohol between 250 and 400mcg.

The Labour MP subsequently resigned her ministerial portfolios, including her Justice role, and announced on Tuesday that she wouldn't stand for re-election at the October 14 election.

"While her actions are inexcusable, I was given information that she was experiencing extreme emotional distress at the time of the incident," Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said in the aftermath of the crash.

"My initial concerns last night were for her immediate safety and well-being. It appears that some of her personal struggles came to a head yesterday and were contributing factors in this incident."

New footage reveals damage to vehicles after Kiri Allan crash
Photo credit: Twitter.

Allan has been struggling with mental health issues in recent weeks.

In a statement on Tuesday, Allan said had "let everyone down". 

She said it was "time to step out of the arena". 

"I'm not sure how long for, or if I'll return, but my focus is now on trying to find a different kind of strength to serve our people and our place."

The Prime Minister said on Monday that when he learnt of the incident on Sunday night, the "facts weren't particularly clear". 

"They have become clearer this morning. What had happened was contested and now we have got clarity around that."

Asked what was contested on Sunday night, Hipkins said: "The facts were simply not clear as to exactly what had happened."

"It wasn't clear whether she had been the one who was driving, exactly what had happened, and I didn't get clarity on that until this morning."

He was asked if Allan had said she wasn't driving initially.

"The problem was that I couldn't speak to her directly last night, but there was some suggestion that she might have said that she wasn't driving. Of course, I couldn't verify any of that because I couldn't speak to her. Until I actually knew what had happened, and had it verified by the police and ultimately verified by her, I wasn't in a position to form any judgement on that."

Now that she has been charged, Hipkins said Allan has not contested that she was driving.

It was his understanding that she was alone, but "I am not in a position to verify any of the facts".

Hipkins said what wasn't being contested by anyone was that "she was in a very distressed state".