Jenna Lynch analysis: The Finance Minister's tricky move ahead of National tax plan

ANALYSIS: So what could National's new tax plan show?

The point of the four expected new taxes is to pay for tax cuts for middle New Zealand. That has long been National's policy.

Labour's often attacked them for offering more to millionaires than middle New Zealand but Newshub understands the plan unveiled on Wednesday will give someone earning over $200,000 the same tax cut as someone on the average wage. 

But how to pay for it? Well, the Government headed National off at the pass on one option on Tuesday by announcing the long-awaited digital services tax, aka the Apple and Google tax.

It'll see multinationals pay 3 percent on their gross New Zealand-generated profits.

The tricky thing about the Government announcing that on Tuesday is the estimated revenue for it is already baked into the Government books, so if that were one of National's four revenue streams, they can't double-count it.

The Finance Minister did that deliberately, because that is how you make someone fall in a fiscal hole. 

And after all the hype, pressure, and speculation, National's Nicola Willis needs to absolutely nail this. 

Jenna Lynch is Newshub's Political Editor.