Newshub-Reid Research poll results: Do Kiwis believe Chris Hipkins, Christopher Luxon are performing well?

  • 03/08/2023

The latest Newshub-Reid Research poll results show more Kiwis think Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is performing poorly. 

The new results, revealed on AM on Thursday morning, show that 49.5 percent of people believe Hipkins is performing well. But that's down 6.1 points.

Meanwhile, 26.7 percent of people believe he is performing poorly, which is up 8.5 points. Those who don't know sits at 23.9 percent.

His main opponent, National leader Christopher Luxon, has seen a slight uptick in the percentage of people who believe he is performing well. It's up 1.5 points to 37 percent, still below the Prime Minister's score. 

The results show 34.7 percent of people believe the Opposition leader is performing poorly. That has seen no change. There are 28.4 percent of people who don't know.

These performance ratings come on top of the Preferred Prime Minister rankings.

They show Hipkins is the choice of 24 percent of people, up 0.6, while Luxon gets 15.9 percent, which is down 0.5. 

Possibly more concerning for Luxon could be that nearly half of New Zealanders don't trust him

The Newshub-Reid Research results show 46.9 percent of people don't trust the National leader, with 35 percent trusting him and the rest not sure.

A majority of people still trust Hipkins - 51.5 percent. The results show 34.9 percent don't trust him and 13.6 percent aren't sure. 

While Hipkins' overall performance rating may have dropped, Kiwis back his handling of last week's Kiri Allan drama.

The poll results reveal 53.3 percent of people believe he handled it well, compared to 19.5 percent who say he handled it poorly. The rest don't know.