Vaping laws: National 'broadly supportive' of Labour's proposed crackdown, Christopher Luxon doesn't rule out more measures

Labour's new proposal to overhaul vaping laws is "broadly" supported by National, Christopher Luxon says.

Chris Hipkins, Labour's leader, unveiled a significant vaping law reform proposal on Tuesday, which promised to cap the number of stores nationwide and ramp up penalties for those who sell to underage people if re-elected in October. 

While National was largely in favour of the proposal, party leader Luxon said the crackdown could still go further.

"I just don't think we've got the vape settings right and I think every leader of every political party in this Parliament would say exactly the same thing," he told AM. "What I think we're creating is a problem for decades to come where we're hooking kids up to a new addiction.

"We've broadly supportive of what the Government announced yesterday and we've got to make sure we actually get those things implemented."

But Luxon was critical of how long it had taken Labour to come up with such a proposal.

"They've had six years to do it, they haven't done it - we'll get that done and, frankly, if it doesn't work then we should go further again," he said.

"We'll have more to say as we address vaping in our health manifesto."

Labour's promise to crack down on vaping laws came after the party, as a Government, earlier this year banned the establishment of new shops selling vapes with 300m of schools or marae. 

Under that crackdown, the Government also required vapes to be more prescriptive about flavour names they could have.

In a statement on Tuesday, Labour health spokesperson Ayesha Verrall said its latest plan "could make a real difference to stop vaping".

While vaping was an important tool to help adult smokers quit, the number of young people vaping daily had more than tripled between 2019 and 2021, Dr Verrall said.