Election 2023: National Party leader Christopher Luxon sword fights pirate who heckled him about needing wig to win election

National Party leader Christopher Luxon has been jokingly heckled about needing a wig to win the election by a pirate which then descended into a friendly sword fight while out campaigning in Auckland today.  

Politicians are out and about all over the country on Sunday with the campaign in full swing as the election is just 34 days away.  

The National Party leader attended the Ellerslie Fairy Festival and Pirate Party on Sunday morning dressed as a pirate where he talked to members of the public and kids dressed as fairies and pirates.  

Newshub cameras filmed the National Party leader having a sword fight with a pirate who was mocking him about needing a wig to win the election.  

"It's good, it hides your hair," the pirate said about a pirate hat Luxon was wearing before bursting out laughing, "get that man a wig". 

"If you want to get elected you need a wig, curly," the pirate said.   

Election 2023: National Party leader Christopher Luxon sword fights pirate who heckled him about needing wig to win election
Photo credit: Newshub
Election 2023: National Party leader Christopher Luxon sword fights pirate who heckled him about needing wig to win election
Photo credit: Newshub

Luxon joked back: "You're just being mean".  

But the pirate hit back saying, "I'm being mean, I'm a pirate, I'm a mean pirate... make it (the wig) ginger as well."  

The pirate and Luxon then had a sword fight in front of media and people who had gathered to watch.  

Meanwhile, Labour leader Chris Hipkins wore traditional headwear while meeting with the Sikh and Indian community in Christchurch on Sunday. The community has gathered for Sunday prayers.

Labour leader Chris Hipkins (centre) and Labour's Megan Woods in Christchurch at a meeting with members of the Sikh and Indian communities.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins (centre) and Labour's Megan Woods in Christchurch at a meeting with members of the Sikh and Indian communities. Photo credit: RNZ / Nathan McKinnon

Watch the moment Luxon engages in a sword fight above.