Election 2023: David Seymour confronted by protesters, unimpressed Cantabrians during walkabout

ACT leader David Seymour faced a few challenges on his stroll around central Christchurch today.

At every step, he seemed to be met by people questioning his policies, including two teenage climate protesters who gate-crashed his media stand-up.

Some days are more challenging than others for politicians

Exhibit A: David Seymour braving conversations with Cantabrians.

"We won't be party voting ACT. We're public service workers and we're under a lot of pressure as it is so the idea of cuts to public services funding and jobs is pretty rough," one said. 

One challenging chat at a time.

"It's going to make it harder for other people to buy their first homes," another said.

There were some winners.

"You're the most talented politician we've got," one person said.

The confrontations didn't stop when the wacky walk wrapped.  

When Seymour was speaking at a media standup, protesters yelled out: "The ACT Party will be a disaster for climate action." 

The high school students seized the opportunity.

"Your policies are racist and misogynistic and will continue to destroy the environment."

They then stood in the background of Seymour's standup with signs proudly aloft. One read: "D. Seymour = A f***ing idiot". 

Seymour said: "I've gotta say I have had people more persistent in their challenging than other walkabouts I've done. But I actually reckon it's a wonderful thing."

There was then another - very polite - interruption.

A man asked for his policy on homelessness.

"Well, sir, the ACT Party released a housing policy recently."

The man said he had seen his website and thanked him. 

Twas then the teens' turn to seek answers.

"He's scared to answer questions from people," one said. 

The adult politician challenged the teenagers back.

"Have you read the report from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment on the oil and gas ban?" asked Seymour.

One replied: "Not all the way, I'm 17 - would you like to explain it to me?"

Another person said: "You're a waste of time and money, parasite, a parasite."

It may have been a very challenging afternoon for Seymour - but hey, at least he's winning Rollickin' Gelato's scoop poll.

Seymour couldn't resist a check-in. 

"We're looking forward to seeing these results become a reality," he said. 

Big dreams require one challenging chat at a time.