Video: Labour leader Chris Hipkins hosts kids 'town hall' from isolation, says hasn't had 'one sausage roll' since he caught COVID-19

  • 05/10/2023

Labour leader Chris Hipkins and East Coast candidate Tāmati Coffey hosted a 'Kids town hall meeting with Chippy' on Thursday.  

Children and parents who joined the virtual town hall got to fire their burning questions to Hipkins, AKA Chippy, one of which was about his obsession with sausage rolls.  

One audience member asked if Hipkins' doctor had any concerns about his sausage roll consumption.  

"I haven't been to the doctor for a while, I suspect he wouldn't be very happy with me, given my diet over the last couple of months," he said. 

"I'm just going to avoid going to the doctor for a little bit longer but I do still love a good sausage roll." 

Hipkins added while he's been in isolation he's not had "one sausage roll". 

"I think I will be well prepared for the last 10 days of the campaign if there's a few sausage rolls along the way." 

Watch the full video above.