Election 2023: David Seymour lands in Wellington, completing trio for coalition talks

ACT Party leader David Seymour has flown to Wellington for coalition talks as the negotiations to form the next Government ramp up.   

Newshub understands National is set to meet with New Zealand First again on Thursday, while Seymour told Newshub he had plans to meet with National on Thursday as well.  

However, everyone is keeping mum on whether a three-way meeting has been organised. 

When asked if he'll meet with Winston Peters on Thursday, Seymour said his door is open.   

"We've reached out in various ways so remains to be seen but we 're here and we're ready to talk," he said.   

Pushed again to confirm meetings, Seymour said it was his understanding he would be meeting with National on Thursday and teased a possible meeting involving New Zealand First too.  

"We're going to sit down with them (National) and possibly others," he said.   

He said National had "put a huge amount of time into having discussions in great detail about policy".  

That's important for ACT, Seymour said.  

Sources are sounding optimistic about the prospect of getting a government formed by early next week - in time for National leader Christopher Luxon to travel to the APEC summit in San Francisco.   

New Zealand First and ACT had their first contact on Wednesday, with their respective Chiefs of Staff meeting.  

Peters has mostly refused to speak to media in recent days. Newshub caught him and his entourage on their way to and from a meeting with National on Wednesday, but he wouldn't answer questions.  

In an interview with NBR on Tuesday, Peters said he believed coalition talks could be wrapped up in less than two weeks. But he said New Zealand First could also walk away from talks, saying that is always an option with any negotiations.   

New Zealand First's Shane Jones and National's Chris Bishop were seen at a hotel near to Parliament on Wednesday afternoon.  

While the preliminary election results on October 14 showed National and ACT could form a Government together, National lost two seats when the special votes were included, meaning that bloc could only muster 59 seats.   

With 62 seats being required to have a majority in Parliament, National and ACT therefore need New Zealand First to govern.