Election 2023: David Seymour meets with New Zealand First again – but on different turf

ACT Party leader David Seymour has met again with New Zealand First. 

Just before 10am on Friday morning, Seymour used Parliament's underground tunnel to walk to Bowen House, where NZ First is using a Select Committee room to meet. 

Speaking to media as he went in, Seymour said he was going to "see a man about a horse" 

The meeting only lasted about 10 minutes. 

Afterwards, Seymour and ACT Chief of Staff Andrew Ketels appeared unable to use their swipe card to leave the NZ First area. They went around a corner to seemingly hide from media. NZ First staffer Darroch Ball then arrived to let them out. 

Asked about the short length of the meeting, Seymour said ACT was "here to raise productivity". 

"Sometimes you can get a lot of very useful things done in a short space of time and that was one of them... we have left early because we have done exactly what we hoped to do." 

He wouldn't say what that was, but he was "very happy". 

It comes after Newshub on Thursday spotted New Zealand First leader Winston Peters and Ball leaving ACT's Parliament office. 

Up until that point, the only contact between the two parties had been a meeting between Ball and Ketels. 

Speaking to media earlier, Seymour said he had been working late on Thursday night and was starting as early as he could on Friday. 

He said the meeting with Peters had been "congenial and hopeful and promising." 

"I think we can work well together... We extended the initiation, Winston came over and now we have got a lot more meetings and a lot more work over the next three years." 

Seymour said the biggest issues for the incoming Government wouldn't come from the "inside" but from external circumstances, like managing the Government's books and social issues that have built up. 

The three parties are refusing to give much detail about the state of coalition talks or when a three-way meeting may occur. 

"We are all committed to making sure we get through as quickly as we possibly can," said National leader Christopher Luxon on Thursday. "As soon as we have something to tell you, we definitely will."   

Peters said: "The last few days we have been flat out all day and half the darn night... Speed is of the essence. We are not wasting time here. Some of us would like to get back home."   

Seymour said: "Each party says they want it to happen quickly. I think everyone does but no one party can dictate the outcome or the timing of the outcome."