Golriz Ghahraman's Green Party colleague hasn't heard from her since shoplifting allegations came to light

A Green Party colleague of MP Golriz Ghahraman says he hasn't heard from her since shoplifting allegations came to light.

Ghahraman is accused of shoplifting on two occasions from Auckland luxury clothes shop Scotties Boutique.

The Green Party says while police investigate she's agreed to stand down from her portfolios. Ghahraman is said to be overseas on a personal trip and has not yet responded to any of the allegations.

Green Party list MP Ricardo Menéndez March hasn't spoken to Ghahraman since the allegations.

"It's a sensitive allegation, right? And this is why we need to have all the information available to comment further, particularly since it sits with the police," he told Newshub on Sunday.

"And so as soon as we have all the information available our co-leaders will have more to say."

On Friday, co-leaders James Shaw and Marama Davidson released a statement saying they became aware of an allegation involving Ghahraman last year - on December 27.

But as she was overseas, the pair said Scotties was comfortable waiting for her to return to New Zealand to resolve the issue.

Then on January 5, they said they were advised of allegations of a second incident at Scotties.

"Scotties had told us they did not want the allegations to become public so we did not make a statement at the time. However, Ms. Ghahraman did agree to stand down from her portfolios until the matter was resolved," the co-leaders said in a statement on Facebook.

They added they won't be commenting further until "we have gathered all the facts and spoken with Ms. Ghahraman after she returns to New Zealand".

Ghahraman is expected to return to New Zealand in the next few days.

Scotties has repeatedly declined to comment on the allegations to Newshub.