Christopher Luxon doesn't care about TVNZ poll result showing Coalition parties tanking

  • 30/04/2024

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon claims he's not focused on the polls after the latest TVNZ-Verian survey suggests Labour could return to power if an election were held today.  

Released on Monday, the poll's result showed New Zealand First out of Parliament and ACT and Luxon's National down, with Labour, the Greens and Te Pāti Māori able to secure enough seats to form a Government. 

Luxon said while he acknowledged it was a hard time for many Kiwis, he wasn't shying away from making "tough choices". 

"That's what this Government has to do in order to fix the mess that we've been left and so, as you know, we're just very focused on rebuilding the economy, restoring law and order, and delivering better public services - and our job is to deliver for New Zealanders," he told AM host Melissa Chan-Green. 

Luxon said the Government had moved "incredibly fast" during its first five months in power. 

"We have to turn New Zealand around; we've got a series of challenges that we're working through, I'm very conscious that Kiwis are sick of dealing with high inflation and high-interest rates - they want us to fix the economy," he said. "We are not afraid to make the tough choices because that's actually what's needed... to make sure we've got a great future ahead of us. So, we are going to fix it - we've got a fantastic future ahead of us and we're very focused on getting the job done day in, day out." 

He said New Zealanders supported and voted for the Coalition parties last year because they wanted change. 

On Monday night, ACT leader David Seymour said the poll results showed the Government wasn't getting an election honeymoon - instead an "inflation hangover".  

"People are understandably upset about the cost of living, interest rates and soft economy. We don't just see that, we feel it," he said in an email to constituents. 

Seymour said the poll clearly showed "Labour, who should be banished, could be back. And back with two very bad sidekicks". 

"Every day in Government, ACT is taking the necessary steps to clean up Labour's mess. And our team is working towards 2026 to make sure your voice and values are represented, but we can't do it without you."

Luxon, meanwhile, insisted the Coalition was the right Government to lead New Zealand. 

"The whole focus of our Government is actually on getting things done for New Zealanders, that's why they elected us - that's why they wanted change. They want us to deliver and we're working incredibly hard, we won't fix all the problems that were created over six years in one year but we are determined to work really purposefully, really intently each and every day."
