Rugby World Cup 2019: Kiwis unprepared ahead of opening weekend

Questions are being raised over whether kiwi fans are equipped to watch the matches.

For the first time, the tournament will be streamed online via Spark Sport.

One retailer says kiwis are leaving it to the last minute, with TV's now flying off the shelves.

The Rugby World Cup signals a new frontier for sport in New Zealand, but with days until kick-off, some still seem unprepared.

Spark will be hoping its service doesn't crash - it's been asking sports fans to sign up for months, but the message isn't getting through to everyone.

Noel Leeming says new TV's have been in hot demand, Chromecast and Apple TV devices have too, as well as requests for technical help.

Spark Sport told Newshub it was too busy for an interview on Thursday, but it's encouraging customers not to leave their sign up too late - because internet speeds need to be checked before the games.

Newshub purchased a Spark Sport pass on Thursday morning and tried it out on both Apple TV and Chromecast.

It's pretty easy to set up and only took five minutes - but the true test will be when the All Blacks play this weekend when everyone's trying to watch at the same time.

The Telecommunication Users Association says people need to take some responsibility.

Craig Young said people are just used to having Sky installed for them.

"This one you have to do yourself," he told Newshub. "You have to figure out 'what is a stream? What is streaming? Do I have broadband? How do I connect my TV? What app do I need? How I find the app, and how do I explain that to everyone else'?"

Questions it seems a lot of kiwis will be asking during the next few days, as they come to grips with a new way of watching our country's biggest sport.

Have you been having trouble setting up Spark Sport for the Rugby World Cup? Contact us at


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