Rugby World Cup 2019: Spark Sport calls Wales v Georgia match 'streaming success'

Spark Sport says the "vast majority" of viewers successfully streamed the latest Rugby World Cup match but a small lot did have issues "unrelated to the Spark Sport platform".

On Monday night, Wales thrashed Georgia in Japan in their World Cup Pool D clash, and most Kiwis tuning in were able to see every minute of it.

Unlike the All Blacks v Springboks game on Saturday which was plagued by issues, Monday's game was a streaming success, according to Spark Sport.

"Spark Sport is pleased to confirm that the Wales v Georgia match streamed successfully both from a platform and broadband network perspective.

"The vast majority of Spark Sport customers who watched Spark Sport live and on demand had a great viewing experience. 

The provider said a "small minority of customers" did encounter some issues, but these were related to set-up and device problems "unrelated to the Spark Sport platform".

It spent Sunday trying to figure out what happened on Saturday night after viewers were confronted with periods of reduced video quality such as pixelation and buffering.  

Spark Sport CEO Jolie Hodson told The AM Show on Monday morning the streaming problem some experienced was a "configuration" issue with one of its US-based partners, which has now been fixed. 

She said the system was well-tested before the tournament kicked off last week, but the configuration problem wasn't spotted.

Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters isn't happy, calling the experience a "disaster". 

"We do hope that Spark are on top of it and I suggest that they better be," Peters said on Monday.

Spark Sport is now offering refunds to those people disappointed in their experience on Saturday.

Join us for live updates of the All Blacks v Canada match on October 2.
