Rugby World Cup: Nervous All Blacks, Springboks fans make plans to watch history back home

The Rugby World Cup has all come down to this. The world is watching, and the difference between glory and misery could be just a kick away. 

Kiwis don't want to miss this spectacle... Kiwis like Emily McDonald, whose tattoo of the Web Ellis Cup has 'NZ 2023' stamped on it. 

That level of confidence is hard to top. 

"I'm a bit nervous, but mainly very excited," she said. "I think it will be, no matter the outcome." 

Eden Park will host 'Paris in the Park' for the World Cup final.
Eden Park will host 'Paris in the Park' for the World Cup final. Photo credit: Newshub

She'll watch alongside millions. Shaun Pollard in Wairarapa, who also dons a fair few All Blacks tattoos, will be among them.  

Shaun's the one who got the now infamous calf tattoo picking the All Blacks to win the 2019 World Cup. They didn't, but this time, he says he's still "almost" as confident. 

"The closest I've got this time is I've put it on my sleeve right there," he pointed. "2023 - she's all ready to go, so we're confident there."  

Fans like him are booking out venues left, right and centre.

"It's way bigger than we thought it was going to be," Morningside Tavern venue manager Dave Gunn told Newshub. "It's just been crazy. 

"All the tables are fully booked. We had 400 for the quarter-final, 500 hundred for the semi-final and it's safe to say we'll have even more tomorrow." 

Springboks supporters aren't taking that sitting down. 

"Tomorrow is going to be insane," says Soul Club Session NZ principal Bia Groenewald, who has decked out Auckland's Little Creatures bar in some lekker Bok bunting.

 "It's going to feel like you're in the stadium, because the surround sound is sick," she said. "If we lose, I'm just going to run away, because 300-400 South Africans in a venue is scary - if they lose."  

 Meanwhile, Eden Park is hosting a free viewing party called 'Paris in the Park'. Thousands are expected to turn up, bean bags are recommended.  

"Make yourself at home on the hallowed turf here," says Eden Park commercial manager Duncan Blomfield. "Preferably no chairs, because this is the most pristine turf you've ever seen and we'd like to keep it that way."  

Kiwi and 'Boks fans alike will be there, both praying for a fourth World Cup title. 

Join Newshub at 8am Sunday for live updates of the All Blacks v Springboks World Cup final