Good start to 2019 for M bovis eradication campaign

The latest update on the Mycoplasma bovis outbreak shows authorities are continuing to make progress eradicating the disease.

MPI said there were no new infected properties for the first week of 2019, and the number of properties on regulatory controls (either a Restricted Place notice or Notice of Direction) have fallen below 200 for the first time in months. 

At the time the decision to eradicate was announced there were more than 400 properties on regulatory controls.

MPI said the number will fluctuate it continues to trace animal movements and test properties with links to infected properties, however said farmers can take heart that this number has halved over the last few months. 

"It shows that we are catching up to the disease and that the regulatory controls are working as intended to contain at-risk stock on infected properties," it said.

Latest figures on the M bovis outbreak.
Latest figures on the M bovis outbreak. Photo credit: Supplied

The Government announced at the end of last year that the situation was looking positive for New Zealand to become the first country in the world to eradicate the cattle disease.

Meanwhile authorities are to focus on the farming calendar and upcoming rural events, to continue its education campaign around M bovis.

"This will help make sure we minimise the impact our necessary actions for achieving eradication have on farming business."
