Australian farmer posts emotional video after deciding to walk off family's dairy farm

A third generation South Australian dairy farmer has shared her heartbreak after her family made the decision to walk off their farm because of financial pressures.

Casey Treloar and her family farm near Parawa in South Australia.

In an emotional clip posted to Facebook, Ms Treloar said it was the video she hoped she'd never have to film.

"This area has high rainfall so is pretty productive, however the dairy industry is in a tough spot," she said.

"Dairying is something my dad has done his entire life, and I have done my entire life, but it has come to the point where our family has had to say 'that's it for us'."

She said they couldn't afford to keep going with low milk prices.

"It's come to the point where it's an average of 38c a litre average across the year, and it's completely unsustainable - we can't afford to keep going.

"For our family, we can't do it anymore."

Ms Treloar blamed the milk pricing structure in Australian supermarkets.

"The industry is in this state because of the one dollar a litre milk which was introduced in 2011, which has devalued our product."

She said they could not sustain producing milk the way they have in the past.

"Today is the last day I will spend on this farm."
