Tasman fire: M bovis poses extra challenge for farmers

Authorities say they are ready should any herds affected by M bovis need to be moved due to the Nelson fires.

In its latest Mycoplasma update, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) said the fires and water shortages are creating extra challenges for farmers.

"We're in close contact with farmers and emergency services in case any herds affected by M bovis have to be relocated away from the Tasman bush fires," it said.

MPI said there were three properties in the fire zone that are also part of the current M bovis eradication programme. 

"If their herds need to be moved, we're ready to make this happen quickly and smoothly. In the meantime, they remain under quarantine, and their welfare needs are being catered for."

MPI said hot, dry days are turning many regions from green to gold, and decreasing water levels on properties subject to movement restrictions is becoming a concern for some farmers.

There are currently 32 infected properties across the country, comprising of 16 dairy farms, 15 beef farm and one other.
