Farmer who broke Mycoplasma bovis rules fined $21,000

Despite his farm being in an area under stock movement restrictions, he sold and transported cattle.
Despite his farm being in an area under stock movement restrictions, he sold and transported cattle. Photo credit: File / Getty

A South Canterbury farmer has been fined $21,000 for breaking Mycoplasma bovis safety laws.

Omarama farmer Daniel Thomas, 54, was sentenced in the Timaru District Court for one charge concerning animal tracing and four biosecurity related charges, all of which he had pleaded guilty to.

The court heard his farm was in an area under stock movement restrictions during the Ministry for Primary Industry's response to M bovis in 2019.

Despite this, he sold cattle and transported some to a processing plant without the ministry's permission.

MPI spokesperson, Gerry Anderson, said the rules Thomas broke were there for a reason as careless attitudes could cause a quick spread of diseases like M bovis.