It's often called our national shame, and yet still it continues.
Story was approached by a brave grandmother, fearful for the safety of her grandchildren. She had contacted both Child, Youth and Family (CYF) and police with her concerns, but was told nothing would be done. At her wits' end, she didn't know where else to go.
She was quite happy to be identified, but it is because of her grandkids that we need to protect her identity.
Her story is one that we don't often tell. There are issues of privacy, confidentiality, court orders. There is a reason you don’t often see stories like this on television – in a visual medium they are almost impossible to tell. Often, the only stories that do get told are when it's too late.
She believes her grandchildren will die before CYF do anything about it, there have been six notifications made already.
Watch the video for the full Story report.