How to follow up on job interviews

Laurel McLay (Paul Henry)

How can we keep in touch and stay top of mind, without overdoing it and coming across as a stalker?

Careers expert Laurel McLay joined Paul Henry to talk about how to follow up on job interviews.

When someone is considering us for a role, or business opportunity, we need to keep in touch, and as kiwi's we don't do this very well. We either ignore it all together or annoy people by 'touching base' or 'checking in' with nothing to add.

In order to stay front of mind without overdoing it, we need to:

1. Create a system. Have some way of managing your contacts and connections, which is simple and more organised than a bunch of business cards with some scribbled notes on it.

2. When you do connect, find a valuable reason to do so, over and above just following up. It might be sharing a video or book that you recommend, or introducing them to someone else worthwhile.

3. Just because someone doesn't return your call or email, doesn't mean they don't want to be in touch. People are massively overwhelmed with their to-do lists, and often really appreciate a gentle reminder if they haven't managed to respond. Just make sure you pace out the follow ups properly.

Watch the video for the full interview.

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