Mental Health Hub

  • 16/11/2015
Mental Health Hub

Hi! Welcome to the Mental Health Hub. The online home of our three-week series all about mental health and the workplace.

Did you know that almost half of all Kiwis will at some point experience mental illness? Or that our youth suicide rate is the second worst in the developed world? Or that 42 percent of all the people out of work and on the Job Seeker Allowance are on it as the result of a psychological or psychiatric condition?

We here at Story think it’s super important to take mental health seriously. And that talking about mental illness – and telling people’s stories – is one of the key ways we can work to reduce the stigma, and work towards becoming a happier and healthier nation. Considering we spend on average 30 percent of our adult lives at work, how we approach mental illness and wellbeing in the workplace is a big part of getting there.

So how do we manage mental illness in the workplace? What can both employers and employees do to create the most supportive and productive work environment – given so many of us will at some point go beyond feeling blue – and veer into the territory of mental illness?

The series of stories we’ll be bringing you on Story over the next three weeks aims to answer some of those questions, but is just the start of the conversation. Check in here to find constantly updated expert opinion, blogs, extended video and much more. You can also head on over to our social media pages to give us your feedback and tell us your stories.

The project is spearheaded by our correspondent Kim Vinnell, who you can contact via Twitter, Facebook or email.

Kim Vinnell is a recipient of this year’s Like Minds, Like Mine NZ Mental Health Media Grant. For more information on the grant, visit: 

Have you ever called into work saying you have the flu or a bug when you are actually feeling depressed or anxious but are too scared to tell your boss?

If that sounds familiar, you are not alone.

Almost half of Kiwis will have a mental illness at some point in their lives. So we're looking at the flip side - the solutions.

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact one of the below services. And remember, it’s always okay to ask for help.

Lifeline 24/7 Helpline – 0800 543 354

Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland

Lifeline Suicide helpline – 0800 TAUTOKO

Lifeline – 0800 543 354 or (09) 5222 999 within Auckland

Free text The Lowdown – 5626

Or checkout their website

Alcohol & Drug Helpline – 0800 787 797

Depression Helpline - and

Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email