Medicines NZ, a pharmaceutical company lobby group, say that the Pharmac model is broken and needs to keep up with the OECD when it comes to fast access to new and Innovative medicines.
NZ is currently ranked last out of 20 comparable OECD countries for access to innovative medicines.
Medicines NZ general manager Graeme Jarvis warns that we are falling dangerously behind other countries when it comes to getting access to new drugs.
He describes New Zealand as a “First world country with third world medicines access.”
“These medicines actually are an investment. What we’re seeing is an issue with when you have a capped budget. It’s not in line with what the rest of the world is doing. We’re not giving Pharmac the money it needs.”
Mr Jarvis says New Zealand should set up a scheme similar to what happens in the UK, where a regulatory agency can give patients access to drugs early.
“We’re always waiting at the table for the Government, because it will be a decision by the Government, to come up with solutions for the patients, and that’s what it’s about at the end of the day.”