Scientists have recently discovered a glowing purple orb at the bottom of the ocean.
Researchers have been tirelessly working towards determining just what it is - and now that mysterious orb may have let out a few secrets.
The orb was found in Arguello Canyon, an underwater gorge west in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, off the coast of Southern California. It was living at a depth of 1616 metres, and is only about 5cm in size.
Researchers have sent samples of the creature to the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology for further identification work.
Close-up photos of the purple orb show a more complex creature than could originally be seen on underwater video.
It's not just a single sphere - it seems to have a couple of lobes, making it look a bit like a sci-fi alien brain.
Auckland University nano-scientist Michelle Dickinson spoke to Paul Henry about the findings.