Emergency survival kit

  • 01/09/2016
Emergency survival kit

Yesterday we talked about the national tsunami drill and we asked our viewers and listeners if they had an emergency survival kit.

Along with all of us involved in the show, a huge number of you admitted you didn't.

We also got a stack of emails asking what should be in an emergency survival kit. So we went to the experts in the matter - Mark Rosny from the Red Cross – gave us the low down.

You don't actually have to have an official kit, you can build one yourself:


The Red Cross recommend their Hazard App (https://www.redcross.org.nz/what-we-do/in-new-zealand/disaster-management/hazard-app/), which not only has info about the kits, but gives users the ability to keep track of their loved ones.

It also sends out an alert if there is a disaster, keep up to date if there are any disasters and what areas to avoid etc.

The app has all kinds of info about what to do in an emergency, what kind of items they should always have on them, step by step guides, alerts, and all things safety basically -and it's free.