The Minister of Māori Development has signalled job losses are expected at Māori Television.
During an interview with Three's The Hui at the weekend, Nanaia Mahuta said the station faces serious financial challenges, and advice from the outgoing chair Dame Georgina te Heuheu flagged potential job losses at the network.
However Ms Mahuta couldn't say how many positions might go.
Ms te Heuheu was replaced this month by incoming chair Jamie Tuuta. Her time at the network was highlighted by controversy following the 2014 appointment of Paora Maxwell as CEO and the decision to relocate the station to East Tāmaki.
Ms Mahuta also discussed the Budget and the recent hīkoi at Parliament, as a collective of iwi voiced concerns about overlapping Treaty claims in their rohe.
She also talked about the possibility of flying the Māori flag on the Harbour Bridge daily.
"I think it's a debate whose time has come."
Watch the full interview.
The Hui