Poll: Should we follow Australia’s move and ban Chelsea Manning from entering New Zealand?

  • 31/08/2018
MILAN, ITALY - MAY 27:  American Politician Chelsea Manning attends Wired Next Fest on May 27, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Rosdiana Ciaravolo/Getty Images)

Chelsea Manning has been barred from entering Australia ahead of her scheduled tour down under.

The US whistleblower was due to start the tour, which also includes events in New Zealand, on Sunday - but will not be allowed to enter Australia, according to her speaking tour organiser Think Inc.

Here in New Zealand, the National Party are also calling for a ban on the former US Army intelligence analyst, with Simon Bridges saying she is a convicted felon and should therefore be refused entry.

Think Inc says her visa application is currently sitting with Immigration New Zealand.

Should we follow Australia's move and ban Chelsea Manning from entering New Zealand?