Chinese embassy rejects claims it threatened Ugyhur Kiwis

Two weeks ago Newshub Nation reported on a Uyghur man living in New Zealand who claims he fears for his safety after receiving threatening phone calls from the Chinese embassy.

Shawadun Abdul-Gopur believes his relatives are among the 1 million Uyghurs being detained in Chinese prison camps. 

Shawudun is one of a growing number of Chinese people across the world pleading for protection from the international community. 

"This government is evil. They can do whatever they want." 

The Chinese embassy has since made contact to reject claims its staff have made threatening phone calls to Shawadun and other outspoken Chinese people living in New Zealand. 

The embassy said the threatening phone calls were actually a phone scam, nothing to do with them, that they reported to police last year. 

China's government says the camps are 're-education schools' and they've even offered to show Newshub Nation the facilities for ourselves. 

Newshub Nation also spoke with another Uyghur man called 'Ali' who is so concerned for his relative's safety he asked us not to show his face and to re-voice his words. 

"Since 2016 I know some of my cousins and a few few people from my relatives were taken."

He describes the last phone call he had with his mother: 

"She struggled to speak and I just asked, 'Should I not call [anymore]?' and she said, 'Yes. I prayed for you to be safe anywhere. Please don't call.' That was the last message." 

Ali has no idea what happened to his family after that. 

He told us Chinese police pressured his relatives back in China to send him threatening messages saying:

"'Whatever you do we are we are watching here. You be careful.'" 

Watch the video for the full story.

Newshub Nation.

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