Vicious winds rip through SailGP Sydney site, tear off sail and send it flying

Vicious winds have ripped through the SailGP Sydney site after a sudden storm tore across the city.

Newshub's Australia correspondent Emma Cropper was evacuated after the entire site was shut down to protect it from the wind.

"Everyone is hunkering in the Crown Plaza Car Port until the storm passes. We can still hear thunder and see lightning," she said, adding emergency services have just been allowed on site.

"Looks as if all of Darling Harbour has been shut down, plates are shattered and chairs strewn everywhere."

The evacuation underway.
The evacuation underway. Photo credit: Newshub

She watched as the winds ripped off the sail of Canada's catamaran and flew it into the room of their base.

Several people managed to capture the incident on camera and upload it to Twitter.

"A crazy change of winds and the Sail GP Canadian Catamaran has just took out an event building and almost took the crane with it!" one tweeted.

Another witness captured a marquee ripped apart by the wind.

"Hope all ok, major yachting event nearby," they tweeted.

Elsewhere, Sydney Airport paused all arrivals and departures as the storm moves across.