Tech tycoon John McAfee's body still in Spanish morgue, seven months after death

Disgraced internet tycoon John McAfee
He was facing up to 30 years in jail in the US when he died. Photo credit: Getty Images

Seven months after his death in a Spanish prison, the saga of tech tycoon John McAfee is continuing with no end in sight.

The controversial McAfee was found dead in his cell after Spanish authorities revealed he would be extradited to the US to face tax evasion charges. 

Now a MarketWatch report says the tycoon's body remains in a prison morgue freezer, while his daughter and his last wife fight over the body and a Spanish judge continues to investigate his death.

The 75-year-old's death was ruled as a suicide in a preliminary coroner's report, with the failed US Presidential candidate and security software founder facing up to 30 years in prison if convicted.

But flags were immediately raised by Janice - a former sex worker whom McAfee married in 2013 - who blamed the US authorities, saying the "politically motivated charges" were the reason for his death.

In Spain, a judge makes the final determination of the cause of death and Judge Victor Espigares Jimenez has that role for McAfee - but has yet to make a final determination, according to MarketWatch.

Joy Athanasiou, a lawyer representing McAfee's daughter Jen, his next of kin, said the reason for the delay was unclear, but speculated it could be due to a backlog of medical examinations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jen, who wants her surname to remain secret to protect her family, has subsequently withdrawn her legal fight over her dad's body in the hope it can finally be released.

She has, however, confirmed that a suicide note in which McAfee referred to himself as a "phantom parasite" and said he would "control my future, which does not exist" was in his handwriting.

Further delays have also been caused by the inability of lawyers to reach Janice, with neither Athanasiou or Nishay Sanan, who represented McAfee in his extradition cases, able to contact her.

Janice has tweeted irregularly over the last few months, with her last statement of note coming on her birthday in early December.

In it she said there had been an effort to "guarantee I would not make it to my next birthday although I believe the ultimate goal is to ensure that I do not leave Spain alive", she wrote.

"The investigation into John's death continues its tediously slow crawl to a conclusion which is keeping me in Spain because they won't release John's remains until the investigation closes.

"Allegedly this is procedure. Obviously the dragging out of the investigation is meant to keep us from finding out what happened to John."

McAfee was a libertarian and twice tried - and failed - to secure the nomination of the Libertarian Party to run for President of the United States.