Randi Zuckerberg's crypto 'rallying cry' video condemned as 'embarrassing propaganda'

"This is honestly the worst thing I've seen, ever."
"This is honestly the worst thing I've seen, ever." Photo credit: Supplied / Twitter / Randi Zuckerberg

A "rallying cry" for the women of web3 created by Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook/Meta founder Mark's sister, is being ridiculed and widely criticised on social media.

The video, which has been seen more than 1.2 million times on the platform, is a cover version of Twisted Sister's legendary anarchist anthem 'We're Not Gonna Take It' with different lyrics.

"A decade ago, I sang this song on Broadway. Today I sing this song, surrounded by new friends, as a rallying cry for the women of web3," Zuckerberg wrote.

"Together, we can accomplish anything. And have fun doing it!"

She hoped the video would be a "crypto lingo 101 lesson that speaks to the spirit of women in Web3", she wrote.

"I've been thinking about a fun way to explain crypto jargon to newcomers. All the acronyms/phrases can feel super intimidating at first."

The song contains the line, "carpe your crypto diem, DYOR and pick a coin" (DYOR means 'do your own research') with a chorus that ends with: "We're all going to make it, everyone".

Many of the replies to Zuckerberg's post have been negative.

"If it's a woman or a man, NFTs are still a scam," one person said.

Another said the music video was perfect in how "embarrassing" and forced it all was. "I don't think I've ever seen a promotion, of any kind, that so perfectly captures that it's shilling for a scam."

Even supporters of cryptocurrency and the metaverse were quick to share their condemnation.

Artist and author Stellabelle wrote: "Zuckerberg's sister just committed a crime. This is honestly the worst thing I've seen, ever."

Stellabelle said she was "100 percent" for women being empowered by crypto and she had been living that life for six years.

"This video is a slap in the face to be honest," she continued. "A total co-opting of the culture I helped to build from 2017. Zuckerberg has no place in the metaverse."

"NFT is attracting garbage individuals and I want nothing to do with crappy people. Zuckerberg has ulterior motives... this is propaganda."

And while there was some support for Zuckerbeg's attempt at empowerment, one tweeted sentiment seemed to sum it up best.

"If Dee Snider was dead he'd be rolling over in his grave."

It's yet to be seen how the Twisted Sister frontman will respond to the use of his song to try and push for increased use of cryptocurrency.

Snider took to Twitter this week to explain why he was happy with the song being used by the Ukrainian people but not by COVID-19 conspiracy theorists.

"People are asking me why I endorsed the use of 'We're Not Gonna Take It' for the Ukrainian people and did not for the anti-maskers. Well, one use is for a righteous battle against oppression; the other is an infantile feet stomping against an inconvenience," he wrote.