Sony unveils game-changing gadget for New Zealanders with disabilities

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is underway in Las Vegas, showcasing the newest and sometimes strangest in tech.

But one gadget unveiled by Sony could be a literal game changer for disabled Kiwis.

CES, the annual nerd-vana where the biggest brands flaunt their shiniest new toys.

From the mostly mainstream 8k televisions, smart cars and AR visors to the left-of-field AI-powered bird feeders and pet recognition AI.

"As well as all the cool new computer hardware and TV tech, we're seeing a lot of devices that are just going to be curios and the kind of whacky objects we see every year at CES that no New Zealander is going to be buying in the next few years," Newshub technology expert Daniel Rutledge said.

Whacky or not, these haptic feedback vests allowing you to feel what happens in virtual reality, certainly made an impression.

The $350 billion gaming industry always looms large at CES and gaming could even be coming to your next commute, courtesy of chip maker Nvidia.

Or, for old-school gamers wanting a modern twist, a gaming console crossed with a Rubix cube.

But it was Playstation who turned heads with the announcement of Project Leonardo, a completely customisable controller for the Playstation 5 aimed at improving gaming's accessibility.

For gamers with disabilities, technology like this, can be life-changing.

"Gaming and the internet and the ability to connect to these communities via these sort of mechanisms saved my life. It gave me a space to belong, it gave me a space to be equal," Hamilton local Humphrey Hanley said.

Hanley streams to thousands of fans on the gaming platform Twitch under the name "no hands, no excuses" and he hopes tech like Project Leonardo helps others share his passion.

"Until you see the look in someone's eyes of being able to finally engage with gaming having previously not being able to it's magical," Hanley said.

No word yet on when Project Leonardo will reach our shores but when it does, it'll be game on for Kiwis with disabilities.